
Sales Advisor | Milchvieh- und gemischte Betriebe | Deutschland

Wer sind wir?

Vossen The New Farming is a Family Nunternehmen, since 1976 lived in 27 Countries since then. We are also aware of the development, production and development of healthy products and designs for decoration and decoration. The good design, environmental protection and protection of the soil and the biological protection of the body.

Vossen The New Farming guarantees the quality of the products that are produced and produced by our customers. It is therefore possible to operate quickly and efficiently with the innovative solution. As real family nunternehmen have a family atmosphere, which is a communication path and which is always open to them.

Möchten Sie Teil dieses dynamischen Familienunternehmens sein und Ihre Kunden with innovative Lösungen unterstützen? Vossen The New Farming is the Teil der Vossen Laboratories Int. Ltd


You are the customer of the people: your landwirte and distributors both
Experience a pleasant experience in your visit to the environment and stay at home

You test your own lifestyle and your skills and experience more often

Please contact us for distributors and construction later

You are extremely successful with the new software (Salesforce)

You have the freedom to work in a hybrid environment

From the basis of knowledge based on knowledge, understanding of messages and transformations

You work hard to achieve your goals

You are informed and informed about the current management of the information regarding the information and information about the market

You never go to school and meetings

Wer since Sie?

Wer since Sie?

Having an affinity with the agricultural world and erasing it was a matter of course

They are authentic and tactful

Sie sind kaufmännisch veranlagt

They have an internal consciousness and a rapid reaction

They deal with the problems associated with contact and handling

Since the conversation partners for land use and tradesmen in the present world

You can orient yourself strongly with your knowledge and interests

See how to identify skills and trades with regard to business and chances on the market

You can enjoy your spiritual life, be self-sufficient and have a good time

Unser Angebot: Die Verdienstmöglichkeiten sind unlimited!

Unser Angebot: Die Verdienstmöglichkeiten sind unlimited!

Early working conditions

Zusätzlich: Attractives Provisionsmodell ohne Deckel

Firmenwagen oder Kilometergeld (Firmenwagen can also be used privately)

Regular (internal/external) Schools

Vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten

Good secondary working conditions, including a smartphone and tablet for mobile users

Selbständige Verkaufsberater oder Verkaufsberater im Nebenerwerb will come!

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